The Final Challenge
The Wise Duckling says: Veni, vidi, vici. This first step is easy. Again, we're not sure what he's on about.
Message from the Hacktivist Group:
You're in. We liked your style. We have got another task for you, but its urgent. Look below:
px zhm hnk atgwl hg mabl lme ybex. ehhdl ebdx max yxftex ybm vhggxvmhk hy lhfx lhkml. ubz3w lxxfl mh ux nlbgz fhwxel tl dxrl yhk vhffngbvtmbhg tgw lbzgtebgz pbmabg max vhfitgr. px tkx ikxmmr vxkmtbg matm px gxxw mh fhwxe max ftex ybm yhk mabl vhfihgxgm mh dxxi max vatggxe hixg tgw tohbw lnlibvbhg. nlnteer, px phnew zh tuhnm bm t fhkx... kbzhkhnl ptr, unm px'ox hger zhm 7 ahnkl mh lxgw max kxlihglx uxyhkx px ktblx lnlibvbhg. hnk vtw znkn bl vnkkxgmer hnm.
xqtfbgx max ybex uxehp. px'ox lxgm rhn max iarlbvte ibxvx tl pxee. wxlbzg t ftex ybm vhggxvmhk lh matm bm ybml max ikbgmxw yxftex ibxvx.
wxeboxktuexl: (1) vtw fhwxe tgw ikbgm hy ftex ybm: bm lahnew ybm max yxftex ibxvx rhn atox (2) vhkkxvmer lvtexw lme ybex yhk yxftex vhggxvmhk (3) xqtvm lvtex ytvmhk tgw tgr abwwxg fxlltzxl rhn vhfx tvkhll (4) tgr lvkbimbgz rhn ftr atox whgx. by rhn mabgd rhn'kx whgx, px'ox zhm fhkx yhk rhn...
Scheduled Hint
You don't really need it, but if you wanted to hide something, where in the STL file would you hide it?
Scheduled Hint 2
Open your horizons
Feeling stuck?
The student co-leads are around to give you a hint. But, hints will hurt your score!